Just try it….

So last night I cooked myself an amazingly delicious dinner, spicy garlic chicken, mash potatoes and sweet corn! Here’s a picture if you don’t believe me!


It was beyond yummy and it ran through my head how I forget sometimes at how good of a cook I am when I want to be! I am also able to make a great meal even if I don’t have a lot to work with!

So here’s the thing that has been on my mind for the last 12 hours or so; how extremely arrogant we can tend to be at times! First off let me clarify I understand everybody isn’t going to just be confident about everything in life so don’t think that’s what I’m saying! Back to the arrogance, I often find myself thinking how there is no way I can accomplish various things! God has called me places and I refused to go because I didn’t think I was capable!

I am a big believer that we all have avoided doing things or trying things because we thought we were an adequate! But just stop for a minute and think about that! Look what you have accomplished at this point that you never thought you could!I have to wonder why is it that we are so worried about trying? If God decides we can do something we can! If we’re called by God to do something he knows we can do it! Yet were not so sure, I think mostly out of fear! I am scared of screwing something up so I just don’t try!

This then goes into all other aspects of life, I don’t introduce myself to new people because they may reject me! But what if all that person needed was someone to say hello? A simple hello could change their day, but I don’t say hi because they may not say hi back!?! It just makes me think of the old Marianne Williamson quote! Watch this clip from Coach Carter clip

I know this post is shorter then most but I didn’t have as much to say as I do sometimes! All I want people to see today is that we all need to get over ourselves! We are so scared of rejection and failure that we hold back from what God wants us to do, from what we want to do, from what others ask us to do! I just challenge everyone to step out on a limb and see what can happen if we get over fear! Thanks for reading, feel free to rip apart how horrible this is written or say anything else you would like to! Have a great and see  ya soon!
In His Name

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